Tech Giants Form Metaverse Standards Forum, Leave Out Apple

Meta on Tuesday announced The Metaverse Standards Forum which brings leading standard organizations and companies together for their cooperation in building the metaverse. The reason Meta is asking for industry wide-cooperation is to improve interoperability within its open Metaverse.
Although the company has incorporated several other brands into its future plans it still needs to up the scale by a margin. Giant companies like Microsoft have also hopped aboard the Metaverse train.
What is Metaverse Standards Forum about?

According to the website, The Forum will be completely focused on tracing out the lack of interoperability that is holding back the metaverse deployment. It will also work on pragmatic action-based projects such as implementation prototyping, and open-source tooling to accelerate the testing.
The forum is open to any organization at zero cost and is welcome to contribute to the adoption of Metaverse standards. By grouping multiple organizations together, Meta could easily coordinate and accelerate the work of Standards Developing Organizations(SDOs).
The whole concept of Metaverse works by integrating diverse technologies like interactive 3D graphics, augmented reality, virtual reality, and many more. To bring this to new levels of scale and make it more immersive, companies need to develop consistent terminology and deploy multiple guidelines.
However, this may get a little difficult without a proper channel in place. According to multiple leaders, metaverse will be at its best functionality when built on a foundation of open standards. To do so Meta will require a constellation of interoperability standards created by SDOs.
Apple is stepping back?
A bunch of tech companies have already joined the cause as listed in the blog post. Although it contains big names like Alibaba,, Nvidia, Qualcomm Technologies, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Unity, Wayfair, and many more, there’s no sign of Apple.
Apple’s participation in the metaverse is virtually non-existent right now. One can even argue that the Cupertino giant does not want any piece of it. However, there have been multiple reports that Apple is soon to release a mixed reality headset with both Ar and Vr capabilities.
Apple has been known to take its time to release a new product or service in the market. As apple products are for the masses, this alone can make Apple a major player in the metaverse race in the future. Why do you think Apple is not one of the contributors to the Metaverse? comment below.