Xiaomi Says It Won’t Remove MIUI Ads But ‘Optimize’

One of the major reasons why people refrain from buying Xiaomi smartphones is ad-ridden MIUI Android skin. The company has faced criticism from users for shoving ads into MIUI and disrupting the smooth user experience.
It seems that the company is finally paying heed to the criticism. Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, has confirmed that the company will not remove ads instead it will optimize them to ensure that users see only relevant ads.
Xiaomi’s General Manager for Internet Services has said that the number of ads will be reduced and algorithms will be applied to display ads that are relevant to the users’ interests.
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Xiaomi cannot remove ads from its proprietary operating system as it constitutes a major share of the revenue. In the first quarter of 2019, ads in MIUI generated 9.7% of the total revenue of the company.
Xiaomi might introduce new algorithms in the upcoming MIUI 11 to smoothen the user experience. The Chinese smartphone maker company faced severe criticism last year when it started displaying ads in the Settings menu.
It remains to be seen how the company is planning to suppress annoying ads in MIUI while keeping them relevant for users and generating revenue through it.
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