Login To Any Website Without A Password, New Web Standard API Makes It Possible

Delight yourself with the news that your website experience is going to change a lot in the upcoming future. W3C and FIDO Alliance have announced a new web standard that eliminates the need for traditional passwords on websites on the internet.
Instead, you can use other convenient login methods like fingerprint authentication, facial recognition, USB keys, etc. on virtually every website. These can replace passwords, or used as the second choice.
It is done through the WebAuthn API that is supported by Mozilla Firefox and is expected to arrive in Chrome and Edge in the coming months.
Apart from reducing the pain of remembering hard passwords for numerous services, the standard could also improve security. In case, one website’s details get comprised, chances would be less likely that your accounts on other services would be affected. That’s because the WebAuthn API uses strong, unique, public key-based credentials for each site.
Password-free login has been implemented on a larger scale on smartphone apps, but its use on desktops and laptops is limited. The lack of a standardized way has been one of the main reasons.
The arrival of WebAuthn is a great development as all our computing needs are slowly shifting towards web browsers, not to mention, the wave of progressive web apps that is about to come. However, there seems to be a considerable amount of time left for us to use WebAuthn to its full potential.
Source: W3C
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