Top Fossbytes of the Week – Top Tech News

Dear readers, our Top fossbytes of the month was appreciated by everyone. So we have decided to keep you updated with science and technology on a regular basis.
Here we are providing a weekly digest list of the top tech news and happenings in the world of science.
In-depth Coverage of Oct 9 Tesla Model D Announcement : Auto Pilot & Dual Motor Drive
At a flashy event at the Hawthorne airport in Los Angeles, California, Tesla unveiled the much awaited Tesla D. Tesla D is an improved version of company’s already running Tesla Model S. Tesla – known as Tesla Motors – is a US based electric car manufacturer which is known for its advanced and powerful electric cars. The mystery word “D” stands for – Dual Motors and Driver Assistance.
Edward Snowden Says in Interview: “Get Rid of Dropbox, Avoid Google and Facebook”
Edward Snowden, the American Computer Expert who leaked classified information of NSA and other American agencies, has said that if you care about your privacy, you should stop using Internet services like Facebook, Google and Dropbox.
Techcrunch reported that he spoke as a part of the New York Festival from a remote place and he was asked lots of questions regarding privacy concerns.
Hewlett-Packard Splitting in Two, Separating Personal & Enterprise Businesses
Hewlett-Packard splitting is now confirmed. One will be for its computer and printer business and the other half for its corporate hardware and services. According to Wall Street Journal, HP will officially announce the separation on Monday.
The two companies will be called Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. Meg Whitman to be President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. Dion Weisler to be President and CEO of HP Inc.
Big Billion Day Was a Flipkart Scam? Epic Fail or Mega Success
Yesterday online retailer Flipkart‘s Big Billion Day created a havoc on internet and social media. Ultimately website crashed many times during the day. I tried to buy a couple of products early in the morning but was unable to do so. Later in the day, many products ran out of stock.
The buzz created soon turned out to be an unpleasant one and the website got criticized big time on social media. There were problems of limited stock, error messages and user felt like being cheated when they came to know that same product was priced at a lower price a few days ago. Increasing the prices and then offering huge discounts is a general practice of online retailers and the users got annoyed when they found same products at a lower price on Snapdeal, Amazon and other websites. Ultimately it was labelled as a flipkart scam on social media.
What is RoomAlive? The Next Big Thing in Gaming from Microsoft
RoomAlive is capable of transforming any room into a giant playing arena. It is an extension of Microsoft’s previous IllumiRoom research project. It uses and combines Kinect and projectors to create a unique augmented reality experience in a room. You can interact with the objects and play it. It uses six Kinect depth cameras for depth sensing.
RoomAlive tracks your position continuously in the real time. Anytime you touch a surface, it responds and acts like a touchscreen. This is possible because the projectors are knowing your positions. It uses parallax technology i.e. using 2D projections to look like 3D projections. Microsoft has also enabled a technology named Mano-a-mano i.e. two people can enjoy a unique perspective in the same room.
World’s Newest Type of Cloud in 60 Years : Angry, Rolling and Scary
Undulatus Asperatus is its name. Undulatus asperatus is Latin for “agitated waves,” and it looks like an enormous, rolling and agitated blanket spread in the sky.
This is a type of cloud formation and meteorological enthusiasts have proposed its inclusion in the next edition of the World Meteorological Organization’s “International Cloud Atlas,” which is the ultimate reference for varieties of clouds.
Comment and let us know if you liked the list along with your suggestions.
Also read: Top FossBytes of the Month – September 2014