New Year Brings New Windows 10 October Update Issues

Since the release of Windows 10 October Update (version 1809), users have faced a number of issues ranging from automatic deletion of files to general font and display issues.
And when Microsoft re-released the entire update, Windows users thought that they were done with all the irksome bugs. However, it seems like the October Update bugs are here to stay longer.
According to a blog post from Microsoft’s Japanese ‘Ask the Network & AD Support Team,’ the built-in Windows 10 administrator account may be invalidated while upgrading to the version 1809.
For you, it means that the Administrator account will deactivate if it has been previously activated. Microsoft has acknowledged the issue and is working on a fix that it says will arrive in late January.
In the meantime, it will ask you not to upgrade to the latest Windows 10 update if you have one built-in account with admin privileges as it might block all the admin functions.
Another Windows 10 issue that has surfaced is the broken FLAC files. In the Windows April Update 2018, the FLAC support was already messed up as it only showed broken metadata and music rating.
This Microsoft update takes things one step further and completely disrupts the ability to play in FLAC files. Once you upgrade to the October Update, all FLAC audio files will stop working if you use Groove music or Windows media player.
Surprisingly, Microsoft has acknowledged the issue in the latest Windows 19H1 builds but failed to do the same under the known issues in Windows 10 October Update.
Also Read: Don’t Click On “Check For Updates” In Windows 10; Here’s Why