Here’s How Driverless Cars Are Killing The Speeding Tickets

Short Bytes: We, humans, are prone to mistakes but machines aren’t. This is so because machines are defined by the certain rules and protocols and there is no room for forced errors. When there is no possibility of forced errors on the road, chances are more that these driverless cars will reduce the number of the speeding tickets.
Yes, these cars, after all, are machines and they can surely malfunction as well. But, when compared with the humans, there are many road safety breaking areas where humans outnumber the machines.
Here are the benefits areas of self-driving cars:
- Running red lights
- Illegal parking
- Over speedings and,
- other traffic violations
As an illustration given on Washington Post:Washington DC operates the most speeding and red-light cameras in the US. In 2014, 773 tickets a day were issued on an average from its speeding cameras alone adding up to roughly $37.5 million worth of fines. But with just the introduction of smartphone-compatible parking meters, the amount of hefty fine was dropped. smartphone-compatible parking meters allowed drivers to keep track of their status online.
Besides Washington, Chicago also collected around $1 billion alone in outstanding parking tickets, speeding tickets and red-light violations. In the same way, New York collects around $756 million, Los Angeles $285 million and the list goes on.
With the introduction of self-driving cars, there will be fewer road accidents. Fewer accidents would lead to less spending responding to incidents. And also, police officers means explicitly for guiding traffic or on highway patrolling can also be deployed elsewhere. However, there are chances that pressures will be made on the traffic police officers by higher officials for collecting more revenues in the forms of fines which might force the traffic guards to introduce new kinds of fine.
However, there are chances that pressures will be made on the traffic police officers by higher officials for collecting more revenues in the forms of fines which might force the traffic guards to introduce new kinds of fine.
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Also read: Google Creating New Company With Ford To Make Self-Driving Cars