How To Delete Reddit Account Via Browser Or Smartphone?

Before we talk about how to delete Reddit account, let’s discuss what exactly is Reddit and why is it so popular?
Reddit is one of the most popular social news websites and forums that has an audience of more than 330 million on a global level including Reddit desktop version and app. Most of the subreddits on the platform can serve you with the best knowledge about a particular thing whether it be Android games, web series, or any political scenario.
A lot of users find Reddit one of the most sensible platforms to get the best opinions on different topics and share their opinion as well. But there are few people who might not find Reddit useful or amusing due to any reason. Well if you fall in this category, then you can permanently delete Reddit account by following these steps.
How To Delete Reddit Account Via Browser?
- Visit the official website of Reddit,, and log in to your account.
- Click on the top right corner of the screen that shows your User name and click the User Settings option from the drop-down menu.
- A new page will open up. Now scroll down and click on the Deactivate Account button available at the bottom of the page.
- Enter the Username and Password and give feedback, if you want to.
- Check the box that confirms that “deactivated accounts are not recoverable” and click on the Deactivate button.
Please bear in mind that all your data including your posts, comments, and other stuff will be completely removed once you choose to deactivate Reddit account. Once you delete Reddit account, you can never access it again.
There is no such thing as temporarily deleting or disabling Reddit account. So be careful before deleting your account make sure you are not missing anything important. Also, do check out our article on how to remove clubhouse account here!
How To Delete Reddit Account On Phone?
Unfortunately, the Reddit app doesn’t allow deactivating accounts from its mobile app. Hence, you have to visit the Reddit website in a browser to delete your account. Here’s how you can simply delete Reddit account on your Android smartphone or an iPhone:
1. On a mobile browser, visit this Reddit account settings link.
2. Make sure that you’re logged in.
3. On the account settings page, scroll down to the bottom.
4. Under the “Deactivate Account” tab, click on the Deactivate button.

5. Then, a prompt will appear. Enter your Reddit username and password.

6. Finally, check the box that confirms “deactivated accounts are not recoverable,” and click on Deactivate.
Is deactivating Reddit account the same as deleting it?
Usually, most social media platforms have an option to deactivate an account which is recoverable within a certain time period. However, Reddit does not follow the same rules. While deactivating a Reddit account, it makes users check an option that deactivated accounts are not recoverable.
Hence, deactivating any Reddit account is the same as deleting it. However, this process does not delete any posts or comments made by the user, and that has to be done separately before deleting the account.
Meanwhile, you can also check out our article on how to deactivate instagram account easily.
Reddit FAQs
1. How To Delete Reddit Post?
You can delete a Reddit post by following these simple steps:
- Open the official website of Reddit,, login to your Reddit account, and tap on your username available at the top right corner of the home page.
- Tap on the My Profile option from the drop-down menu, now you will see all your posts available on the screen.
- Tap on the three dots available under the post you want to delete.
- Then tap the Delete button from the drop-down menu.
This step will delete your Reddit post permanently from the platform.
2. Can I Temporarily Deactivate My Reddit Account?
There is no such thing as temporarily deleting your Reddit account. The technical word used for permanently deleting your account is deactivated which may confuse you. But keep in mind that once you deactivate your Reddit account, you can never access it again because it will get deleted.
3. Does Deactivating Reddit Account Delete The Posts Too?
No, the username is removed from your posts and comments available on Reddit but they are not deleted. Hence, if you want to delete any particular post, then you should remove it before deleting your account. Once, you deactivate or delete your account, you cannot reaccess it to delete any of your posts.