Google Makes Website Making Easy With “Material Design Lite” and Free Website Builder

Google introduced its concept of material design and its specification to make the user interfaces more beautiful and uniform on devices all screen sizes. To make the websites more Material Design friendly, Google has released Material Design Lite (MDL) which comprises of vanilla CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.
This Material Design Lite framework makes it easy for the website developers to use it with any of the rapid changing landscape of front-end tool chains. It has a very small size of ~27KB gzipped, thus it’s a relief if you are worried about the size of the code.
Material Design Lite’s component library includes the common user interface elements of material design that include check boxes, text input fields, buttons, sliders, cards, tabs and spinners.
It includes five templates that are: the skin, a dashboard, a blog, a standalone article page, and a text-heavy web page.
How to use Google’s Material Design Lite?
The code used for Material Design implementation is a small library of components that would be used on web pages and apps. It is written in Sass using BEM and it could be modified according to need. It’s available on GitHub or you can get the complete Material Design Framework framework from Google.
You can pick elements for customized design or you can use Google’s theme customizer that allows you to make changes to the framework before you use it.
Google’s Material Design Lite will app in all modern browsers that include Chrome, Opera. Firefox and Microsoft Edge and Safari.
Given the fact that this is based on Material Design, Google wants everyone to build websites like these. The search engine company wants its customers to serve clean, simple and good looking pages. As the WebDesignerNerd mentions, most successful frameworks are successful because of their flexibility. Here, Google has given its mandate that Material Design is the best and it favors this specific design of web pages.
Google’s Material Design Lite offers a lot to learn and it’s a great design guide but it’s limited application won’t make people very exciting.
Are you going to use Google’s Material Design Lite for Website building? Tell us in comments below.
Also read: How to Build a Website – A Complete Guide