Here’s Why Chrome Is Now Showing Millions of Websites As “Not Secure”

Google is taking the privacy quite seriously, and the new Chrome security update will undoubtedly put a significant toll on all your favorite websites.
Google Chrome just launched a security feature with the release of Chrome 68. From now on, Chrome web browser will label all HTTP sites as “not secure.”
All the HTTPS websites would not be affected by this change, of course. In other words, they will still be labeled as “secure.”
For those who might not know how Google Chrome encryption works – TLS/SSL is an encryption protocol that secures the connection between the server and the client’s browser. Websites with no SSL show up in the URL as “HTTP” and websites with SSL certification include ” HTTPS” in the URL. Now, Google has explicitly labeled unencrypted websites as “not secure.”
The new “harsh” step from Google would finally prompt big companies into making their websites secure for users. Not that HTTP websites can instantly get you hacked, but it is relatively easy for cybercriminals to hack into the networks.
“Eventually, our goal is to make it so that the only markings you see in Chrome are when a site is not secure, and the default unmarked state is secure.” – the blog states.
As a matter of fact, this is not something Google annouced out of the blue. The company has released numerous warning from 2016 that they were soon going to come up with tagging not secure feature. Well, here it is!
Already, many websites over the WWW (world wide web) have already added SSL certification. According to the Google transparency report, 76 percent of Chrome traffic on Android is now protected. And 83 of the top 100 sites on the web use HTTPS by default.
Also Read: 8 New Features Under Development: Google Chrome and Chrome OS Updates