Google Brings Free Internet to Low Income Families, Partnering With the White House

Now, this is called a gift. The US Government is seemingly concerned about the children and students from the not-so-prosperous households. Partnering with the White House, Google Fiber is bringing free internet to the low-income households in the US.
Under the program called “ConnectHome”, the above-mentioned companies and other private firms have vowed to invest $70 million for the upgradation of the broadband system of the country. The government also doesn’t want to be seen lagging in its efforts, so a $50 million fund has been granted to the Choctaw Tribal Nation.
With all the investment and the grants, White House has shown pretty hard commitment to its plans. According to the official statement from the White House:
The President has prioritized the broadband expansion in the country and repeated its commitment to provide the students with high-speed free Internet in schools.
Also See: Google Wants to Sell You Cell Phone Service with Google Wireless
The project ConnectHome is planned to be executed for the whole nation, but the Government and the companies would like to have an insight of the output results with a test run in 27 cities and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
According to a study by the Council of Economic Advisors, the households with lower income, have a significant drop in the Internet usage as compared to the affluent societies. This directly affects the children living in these communities, thus, ultimately the nation suffers.
This is a free internet project by the Obama Government is a noble idea and will be of a great help to the citizens of United States of America.
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