Google Faces GDPR Violation Complaints For Location Tracking

A few months back, Google was largely criticized by Android users when AP news unveiled that Google tracks people’s locations even after toggling off the location button.
After facing lawsuits from many individuals, Consumer Groups from seven different European countries have now filed complaints against Google for tracking location activity under the new European Union GDPR privacy-related laws.
European countries that have filed complaints with their respective national data protection authorities include Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Greece, Norway, Slovenia, and Sweden.
In an interview with AP News back in August, the Silicon Valley tech giant confirmed it does track your location for its Maps, Google Search, and Weather — even if you have turned location services off.
Even now, the only way to stop Google from tracking your location is to disable “Web and App activity” under its data and personalization settings.
Meanwhile, BEUC, a European Consumer Organisation, told Reuters: “These unfair practices leave consumers in the dark about the use of their personal data.”
In response to the allegations, Google said that Location History is off by default and that the company had made it clear that they “might still collect and use location data to improve your Google experience.”
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