Google’s Inbuilt Ad-Blocker For Chrome Will Start Blocking Ads In Early 2018

Short Bytes: It might be possible that Google would announce their own ad-blocking tool in the coming weeks. According to a report, Google is implementing the feature inside their Chrome browser, and it’s intended to filter out annoying ads from users’ computer screen. This will also reduce Google’s dependency on third-party ad-blocking platforms.
Update (June 2, 2017, 2:00 pm IST): According to a blog post by Google’s SVP for ads and commerce, Sridhar Ramaswamy, you’ll start seeing annoying ads less often in Google Chrome in the coming future. Google is planning to roll out their inbuilt ad-blocker tool for Chrome by early 2018.
Chrome will be able to block ads, including the ones owned and served by Google, which doesn’t adhere to the Better Ads Standards set forth by the Coalition for Better Ads.
Another addition to their make the ads better campaign is Funding Choices, a beta feature currently available to publishers in the UK, North America, German, Australia, and New Zealand.
When a user with an ad-blocker tool visits a publisher’s website, Funding Choices can help publishers show custom messages requesting the user to either turn off the ad-blocker or pay some amount to remove all the adverts on the site.
Google has also released an Ad Experience Report which points out all the frustrating ads, violating Google’s ads standards, belonging to a particular publisher. The report will also provide screenshots and video clips of such ads.
All this long, only third party ad-blocker tools have saved us from those ruthless ads trying to eat all of our computer screens and even trying to install malware.According to a report by WSJ, claiming sources, Google is preparing an inbuilt ad-blocking feature for Google Chrome’s desktop and mobile versions as an attempt to put an end to all the intrusive ads. It’s surprising to hear such news about a company which handles one of the largest advertising platforms in the world. But the story is quite different.
The feature could be announced in the coming weeks, and it would only block the ads such as pop-ups, auto-playing video ads with sound, etc., which fall into the category of unacceptable ads defined by the industry group Coalition for Better Ads.
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It might be possible that Chrome would block all the ads on websites showing offending ads, WSJ reported, making it the responsibility for the website owners to adhere to the standards.
What’s in it for Google?
An increase in the adoption of ad-filtering tools has been observed, and advertising platforms like Google have to pay a hefty amount to make their ads acceptable on tools like Ad Block Plus, given that the ads are not intrusive.
Google going for their home-grown ad-blocking tool would save their cash and also give them more control over the advertising space. Google Chrome’s massive user base would be an advantage for the Mountain View.
If Google ends up luring users to use their default ad-filtering tool, this might come as a hard blow to the business of the companies running various ad-blocking platforms.
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