Facebook To Introduce Its News Service To Bring Out Quality Journalism

If you follow Mark Zuckerberg, you know he takes up challenges every year, and this year’s involved a fix in technology. Continuing this, Zuckerberg held a public discussion wherein, apart from talking about journalism and technology, he hinted at Facebook’s standalone news service.
In a conversation with the CEO of Europe’s publisher Axel Springer, Mark Zuckerberg suggested that Facebook is soon to get a dedicated news section within Facebook, allowing users to access more news more conveniently.
It is suggested that Zuckerberg’s plan to introduce one comes after a good response received on the introduction of the video section.
Furthermore, the new service will be in collaboration with various publishers and Zuckerberg will go on talking to multiple experts in different fields to gain expertise on the same.
The aim of a dedicated news service by Facebook is to provide users with high-quality news stories, accumulated from various publications. Additionally, Facebook is likely to pay the publications considered trustworthy.
The conversation primarily involved discussions on quality journalism around the world and how it impacts people globally and helps shape society.
However, there is no word on when exactly the new service will go live.
The decision to introduce a news platform could be fruitful in two ways: (a) the dedicated section could help clean up the Facebook feed and allow for better user experience, and (b) Facebook’s dedication towards the serious topic of quality journalism could shape its deteriorating image.
To recall, Apple recently launched its subscription-based news service called Apple News+, which involves various publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, and many more.
Also Read: The Facebook News Feed Fix: Is “Why Am I Seeing This” Enough?