9 Moments When Viserys Proved To Be A Great King

The Game Of Thrones universe has proved several times that a good man cannot be a great King. However, House Of The Dragon has brought us King Viserys Targaryen, who peacefully ruled over the seven realms and was a good man indeed. At the beginning of the first season, fans criticized him for always being naive.
While it is true that Viserys has not fought many battles during his reign, he was the most peaceful ruler to ever sit on the Iron throne. Moreover, there have been times when he has proved himself as a great leader and a King. Today, we’ll discuss all these incidents in his honor.
Before getting started, let’s make a recommendation for you guys. The eighth episode of the prequel series has brought many new faces to us. So check out our guide to know them better. With all that said, let’s shift our focus back to Viserys.
9. Viserys electing Rhaenyra as the new heir

Viserys was going through some hard times after losing his beloved wife, Aemma, and firstborn son. Moreover, the entire small council forced him to choose a new heir. While many supported Daemon as the next heir, Viserys knew his intentions and didn’t elect him.
The King announces in front of everyone that he wishes to choose Rhaenyra as the new heir to the throne. It was the first time we encountered the King’s rugged side. The realm was unhappy with a female heir, but he ordered them to accept her as the new heir.
8. Telling Rhaenyra about the Song of Ice and Fire

Viserys broke the precedent by not choosing the direct male descendant, Daemon as the next heir. Furthermore, he made it clear to Rhaenyra that the stakes were very high by explaining the Song of Ice and Fire etched on the Catspaw dagger. Moreover, he also warned her about the White Walkers and their upcoming wrath.
At this moment, we get to know Viserys as a King who cares about his Kingdom and its people. Furthermore, it also helped to explain the actions in GOT seasons 7 and 8.
7. Viserys dismissing Ser Otto Hightower from his duties

Up to this time in season 1, all of Otto’s strategies were planned out well. He successfully married his daughter to the King, removed Daemon from the way, and became closest to King. However, spying on the Princess and telling King was his only mistake. By that time, Viserys got aware of actions and plottings.
He quickly confronts him and dismisses him from the duties of King’s Hand. While many assume that it was Rhaenyra’s plan, we can witness in episode 4 that he also wanted the same. It proves that Viserys was a wise King and knew all the people plotting against him.
6. Exiling Daemon from King’s Landing in episode 4

No matter how many people provoked Viserys against his brother, he was always on Daemon’s side. After his disgusting acts with Rhaenyra, Viserys was forced to exile his ‘caring’ brother. He was chained under the responsibilities of an elder brother and a King. In addition, we also got to know him better as a father. He kept his calm and made the right decisions in such trivial situations.
5. Viserys appoints Lord Lyonel Strong as Hand of the King

Lord Lyonel Strong, the lord of Harrenhall, was the most selfless and honest man in the entire realm. He always advises the best strategies for the King. After firing Otto, he was the best candidate for King’s Hand, and Viserys acknowledged this fact. Moreover, it proved to be the best appointment of his entire reign.
4. Defending Rhaenyra and her sons

Viserys was an intelligent man, and he knew the reality behind Rhaenyra’s sons. However, the King does not accept the truth as he wants to save her favorite child and the honor of the Iron throne. Moreover, he made it very clear that if anyone asked questions against Princess’ honor, it would be counted as an act of treason.
In the seventh episode, he also saves her from Aemond and Alicent. We witnessed that after Jace and Luke severely injure Aemond, Viserys protects them and his honor in front of everyone.
3. Sitting on the Iron Throne for the last

King Viserys’ entry into the courtroom during Vaemond’s testimony was the most spin-shivering moment in House of the Dragon. The King walking down toward the throne in sickness got all the fans emotional. Moreover, it showed us how much is loved and respected justice. He elected Prince Lucerys Velaryon as the new lord of Driftmark.
2. Trying to keep the peace in his family

While King Viserys wanted to unite his family in the entire season, his last wish to have supper with them was the most emotional scene. As a King, he knew that the unity of his family was necessary for the realm’s safety. So he ordered Ser Otto to arrange a supper with all of them. Moreover, he was pleased to see them and had his last meal with them.
1. Viserys’ last words to Rhaenyra

The antepenultimate episode took King Viserys away from us. However, his last words to Rhaenyra brought tears to our eyes. We all witnessed Rhaenyra asking him whether the Song of Ice and Fire is true or not. In his last moments, he says that it is all true and Aegon’s prophecy will save humanity.
Although Alicent misunderstood his words, they were all meant for Rhaenyra’s question. This was indeed the heaviest moment for all of us.
Summing up this list with his exit from the series was hard. Furthermore, we all know that King Viserys was the most valuable character in the show, and Paddy Considine has justified this role. If you have any other special moments of our King, let us know in the comments below.