8 New Actors To Join House Of The Dragon Season 1 After Second Time Jump

Change and Dragons are the two things that remain constant in the prequel series House Of The Dragon. Over the span of seven episodes, the show has changed many cast members. The saddest moment was when we had to say goodbye to Milly Alcock and others after the first time jump.
Now it’s almost time for the second time skip, and the royal babies will grow up this time. Furthermore, it is believed that this is the final time skip for the upcoming three to four seasons. All the royals, including Aegon, Aemond, and Jacaerys Velaryon, will appear in a new avatar.
We have the list of all the new joiners, and they all look fantastic in their roles. Moreover, these characters will play a significant role in the civil war. Before getting started with these superstars, let’s shed some light on the significance of the time jump in the series.
What is the significance of the Time Jump in House Of The Dragon?

We first witnessed the first time skip after the fifth episode, and it came up with many changes. Firstly, Alicent and Rhaenyra grew into worse enemies than ever. Moreover, they had children for a period of 10 years. So the time skip is definitely essential for new characters and the story.
Now the second jump will take us a decade into the future, and this time we’ll have all the contenders ready for the battle. Moreover, King Viserys might get bedridden in the next installment, and the race to civil war will finally begin. With that said, let’s check out all the new pawns that’ll participate in Dance of Dragons.
New Artists Join House Of The Dragon From Episode 8
1. Tom Glynn-Carney as Prince Aegon II Targaryen in House of the Dragon

Prince Aegon II Targaryen is one of the most prominent characters in the series. He is the only contender to challenge Rhaenyra’s succession. While he was not concerned with power and the Iron throne, we can safely assume that his mother has taught him well, and now he is ready to take over the throne.
Earlier, the role was played by Ty Tennant, but after the second time, skip actor Tom Glynn-Carney will portray this epic role. It is believed that he will be Aegon for the entire show. Moreover, the actor has worked in many incredible titles like Rialto, Dunkirk, The King, etc.
2. Ewan Mitchell as Prince Aemond Targaryen in House of the Dragon

Aemond Targaryen is the new and bravest knight in Westeros. After his last episode’s stunt with Vhagar, he is undoubtedly a fan favorite. In addition to riding the enormous dragon, the little prince is also an expert with swords and other weapons. He lost an eye in the last episode during a fight with his cousins.
Actor Leo Ashton portrays Prince Aemond as a child. He appeared in the sixth and seventh episodes. Furthermore, he is famous for his roles in Liam Longwell in Red Rose and Oliver Marshbrook in The Bay. As Aegon ages, actor Ewan Mitchell will play his role in the series. Ewan is best known for his role as Billy Taylor in The Halcyon.
3. Phia Saban as Princess Helaena Targaryen

Helaena came off a bit creepy in the recent episodes. She seems to be lost in her world of insects and keeps talking to herself. Moreover, she will marry her own brother Aegon II Targaryen and might become the queen of Westeros. There might be a possibility that the makers might give a different look to her than in the book.
Earlier, the role was played by Evie Allen, but after the second time, skip actor Phia Saban will portray this epic role.
4. Harry Collett as Prince Jacaerys Velaryon

Prince Jacaerys is the eldest son of Princess Rhaenyra and Ser Laenor. Moreover, he is teased as the bastard of Ser Harwin Strong in the entire realm. In the last episode, he and his younger brother got into a fight with Aemond over a dragon. Moreover, he will become the new heir to the Driftmark.
After the time jump, Harry Collett will portray the role, and he will appear as a 17-year-old in the show.
5. Elliot Grihault as Prince Lucerys Velaryon

The middle child of Rhaenyra and her first husband, Laenor, is quite short-tempered. He attacks Aemond with a dagger in the seventh episode. He is loyal to his brother and loves his mother a lot. Moreover, he will turn out as a fine knight in eight-episode.
Elliot Grihault will appear as Prince Lucerys Velaryon in the show. He was well known for playing the young Harry Potter of Harry Potter.
6. Bethany Antonia as Lady Baela Targaryen

Bethany Antonia will play the role of the all-grown avatar of Daemon’s daughter Baela in the series. Baela was named after her paternal grandfather Baelon Targaryen. Moreover, she will marry Prince Jacaerys in upcoming episodes. She is a dragon rider and rides Moondancer in the show. Furthermore, actress Bethany is most famous for her role in Netflix‘s Get Even.
7. Phoebe Campbell as Lady Rhaena Targaryen

Lady Rhaena Targaryen is the twin sister of Baela and the daughter of Lady Laena and Daemon Targaryen. Moreover, it is believed that Daemon named her after Rhaenyra. The book describes her as so beautiful and fierce that songs and poems were written about her.
Phoebe Campbell playing her role in the eighth episode, is best known for Midsomer Murders and Home from Home.
8. Prince Aegon III Targaryen

He is the son of Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon Targaryen. While the fans will meet him in the next episode for the first time, he is going to be the most important person in the entire realm. Furthermore, his role is played by Jake and Rory Heard at a young age. The two infants are twins and look adorable in the series.
We still do not know who will be portraying the role of Princes Joffrey Velaryon. We saw him at the beginning of the sixth episode at his birth. He is the third child of Rhaenyra and Laenor. The entire cast will remain the same for a long time in the show.
That’s all we have for this article. Do you like the new faces? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.