Zuckerberg Is Still The Best Person To Run Facebook, According To Zuckerberg

The Cambridge Analytica fire has tarnished Facebook’s reputation like nothing else. Its boss is being continually being asked to justify the actions of the company in the past and what’s coming in the future.
And why not? Not even a single day has passed in weeks when you don’t hear something new about Facebook. As per the latest estimates by Facebook, the number of affected people in the CA scandal has raised to 87 million.
In a related news, a Facebook feature may have allowed data-scrappers to get hold of the publicly available information almost each one of the 2 billion Facebook user community. Facebook has also admitted that they scan people’s Messenger photos and messages to prevent abuse on the social network.
All of this has raised questions about Zuckerberg’s presence at Facebook. A Facebook investor holding 1 billion worth of company’s stocks even called out that Mark Zuckerberg should step down as the chairman. But this thought doesn’t go in line with Zuckerberg himself.
Zuckerberg sat down for an interview (read transcript) with the reporters on Wednesday. When asked whether he still thinks he’s the best person to run Facebook, he said “Yes.”
“I think life is about learning from mistakes, and working out what you need to do to move forward,” Zuckerberg explained.
He admitted that he and Facebook made mistakes but when you’re creating a platform like Facebook that is “unprecedented,” mistakes happen. “If we got this right we would’ve messed something else up.”
“I think what people should hold us accountable for is learning from the mistakes and continually doing better,” he said.
When asked if any board discussions are going on about his stepping down, he said he isn’t aware of any such discussion.
Fixing data privacy
The reports also questioned Zuckerberg about the timeline for fixing data privacy, to which replied that “it’s going to be a never-ending battle.” Although it’s a multi-year effort, by this year’s end Facebook may come with a solution for many of the issues.
As per a recent Reuters news, it was known that Facebook won’t implement European Unions’s GDPR privacy rules outside of Europe. Zuckerberg went entirely opposite, and said that they’ll “make all the same controls and settings available everywhere, not just Europe.”
Also Read: Facebook Admits: It Scans All Messages And Photos You Send On Messenger