Windows 10 Build 18312 Brings Reserve Storage, Increased FLS Limits And More

Today, Microsoft has rolled out another build for the Windows Insider users in the Fast Ring. Although the Windows 19H1 build 18312 does not contain a lot of changes, it does bring a few essential features to the table.
Here is are the critical changes in the latest Windows 19H1 build.
Reserved Storage For Update
Reserved Storage is probably one of the most important features of Windows 19H1. As announced earlier, Microsoft will now reserve 7 GB of storage for Windows Update, temporary files, and system cache.
For you, it means that you can finally say goodbye to “insufficient storage” error faced while installing a new update. Normally, Windows will shift all the temporary files to the reserved space.
And when a new feature update arrives, Windows will automatically clear enough space for installing the latest update. Microsoft says that this will help in running your PC smoothly.
Increased FLS Slot Limit
Musicians should never constraint themselves. On that note, Windows is increasing the max per process Fiber Local Storage (FLS) slot allocation, effectively removing the cap on the number of unique plugins musicians can load in their DAW projects.
To put it in simple words, musicians or any user for that matter will be able to load an unlimited amount of DLL’s in their project.
UI improvements in “Reset the PC.”
If “Reset the PC” option under Settings > Update & Security > Recovery was a little tough to follow, Microsoft has made it simpler.
Additionally, the latest preview build brings improvements in Windows Subsystem for Linux Command Line Tool and has added an “import” option for importing a tar file as a new distribution.
Microsoft says that Windows 10 19H1 will be finalized in the spring of this year and the last build will arrive by late March. As for this build, you can check the other changes and fixes here.
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