Stray: All Energy Drink & Vending Machine Locations In the Slums

As you progress through the story and find yourself, or more precisely, the cat in chapter 4, you’ll have the option to find the energy drinks from vending machines. Meanwhile, if you do not wish to find out the locations on your own or have trouble finding the locations of each vending machine in Stray, this guide will help you get to each vending machine to get the energy drink in Stray.
Interestingly, players can use the energy drinks collected from vending machines as currency in Stray, getting stuff from Azooz in exchange for energy drink cans. For the ones who are now aware, you can get two essential pieces from Azooz in exchange for the energy drink cans; first, a B-12 memory, and another, one of the 8 music sheets.
Note that you can only get to the vending machine locations in the slums in Stray between chapter 4 to chapter 6. Once you leave the slums, you can’t go back to get those items from Azooz. While you’re in the slums, make sure to also check out the guide on how to get a poncho for Elliot.
Vending machines locations in Stray
Vending machine location 1

The very first vending machine location in Stray is pretty easy to find. As you enter the slums and are greeted by the guardian, you simply need to take a left and walk down the stairs when you see a vending machine to your right. Now, there are two vending machines; walk up to the vending machine with the lights on and get the energy drink speed 2K can.
Vending machine location 2

To get to the second vending machine location in the slums in Stray, get to the rooftops. After getting to Momo’s apartment (the one with the orange neon sign), take the bucket ride down and go to your right. There, on one of the rooftops, all the way to the right after getting down from the bucket, you’ll see a red vending machine with its lights on. Walk up to the vending machine and get the energy drink speed 2K can that pops out of it.
Vending machine location 3

For the third vending machine location, you’ll have to get back down from the rooftops. Go to the part of the slums from where you came in and walk past the super spirit laundry and Sheamus’s apartment; as you climb the stairs, look to your left; you’ll see a vending machine with its lights on. Walk up to the vending machine and grab the energy drink speed 2K can from it.
Vending machine location 4

The fourth and the last vending machine location is Stray is a tad bit tricky to find. While players can go straight from the location of the third vending machine, get down the stairs and take a left, from there, walk some more and take a right. Now, on your left, you’ll see two AC compressors; climb up on them and climb further on top of the balcony. From there, you might see the vending machine. Simply jump over the balcony and get to the last vending machine to get the energy drink speed 2K can.

Meanwhile, there’s another way to get to the last vending machine location in the slums in Stray. As you cross the super spirit laundry, take a left and walk up the stairs; now, look to your right, and you’ll see the vending machine on the balcony. As you walk down the stairs, you’ll get the option to jump on the canvas and then to the balcony to get the last energy drink can location.
Now that you have all 4 energy drink speed 2K cans, head over to the merchant Azooz and you can get B-12’s memory and a piece of the music sheet for Morusque, who you’ll find sitting with a guitar on the opposite of the location of the first vending machine.