Revenge of Mozilla: Firefox 40 for Windows 10 Changes Cortana’s Default Bing Search

Short Bytes: Mozilla has released Firefox 40 for Windows 10 and it comes with changes in user interface trying to blend with Windows 10’s theme. In another change, Firefox 40 for Windows 10 gives users an option to change Windows 10 desktop search’s default search engine.
Well, in the new version of Firefox for Windows 10, Mozilla CEO is enjoying some sweet revenge by giving the users a choice to change the default search of Cortana. Usually, when you search something from the desktop search box, it opens the default web browser and opens the result using Bing search. This kind of makes sense given as desktop search is an integrated Windows 10 feature and Microsoft would love to promote its search service in the OS. Now, with Firefox 40 for Windows, you can change it to any search engine of your choice.
How to change Windows 10 desktop search using Firefox 40?
You just need to go the Settings (Options) > Search and you’ll be greeted with the option to change the search in Firefox and well as Windows. Note that you can change desktop search using this option only when Firefox is your default web browser.
It should be noted that Firefox 40 isn’t the only way to change the default search in Windows 10. Chrome extensions like Bing2Google are doing this job already.
Other changes in Firefox 40 for Windows 10:
In Firefox 40 for Windows 10, Mozilla has incorporated some changes to the user interface with bolder icons that are coherent with the Windows 10’s theme.
Apart from the aesthetics, now Firefox 40 users will see a warning when they’ll be installing an unsigned extension and upcoming Firefox 41 will be blocking these extensions unless you change some settings in browser’s config menu.
This step is being received with negative comments but Mozilla has defended this step by calling it a necessity to protect users from malicious scripts and advertisements.
I hope Mr Beard listens to Firefox users and gives his users some choice and freedom.
What do you think about Firefox 40 for Windows 10? Tell us in comments below.
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