PUBG Mobile Update 0.18.0: Bluehole Mode, Hot Air Balloons, & More

PUBG Mobile Update 0.18.0 has been scheduled to go live on May 7 marking the start of Season 13 in the popular battle royale game. And now, PUBG Mobile has officially released the Patch Notes for the update.
The 0.18.0 update requires approximately 1.97 GB storage space on Android and 2.21 GB of storage space on iOS. Also, PUBG Mobile will not take down the servers for this update.
In addition to the update’s size, PUBG Mobile revealed details about the content that will be introduced with the update.
PUBG Mobile Update 0.18.0 Patch Notes
1. Updated Miramar With Sandstorm
We already know pretty much all about it after PUBG Mobile released a teaser of Mad Miramar. There will be a bunch of visual changes in Miramar, starting with a Sandstorm in the middle of the map.
By introducing new locations like the Ruins, Oasis, and a brand new race track, PUBG Mobile is leaving no stone unturned to make Mad Miramar appealing to players.
2. Win94 With 2.7x scope
After the update, Win94 will have a 2.7x scope attached to it. So, players will no longer need to find scopes to make the gun useful. However, Win94 with 2.7x scope will only be found in Miramar.
3. Canted Sight
PUBG Mobile 0.18.0 update will introduce Canted Sight, which is a close-range scope. Players can attach Canted Sight alongside other scopes in most assault rifles, submachine guns, sniper rifles, light machine guns, and some shotguns. They will be able to switch from long-range scope to canted sight for a close-range fight.
4. New Classic Mode Content: Jungle Adventure in Sanhok
Jungle Adventure mode in Sanhok, which will release sometime after the update, will introduce a lot of exciting content in PUBG Mobile. For instance, there will be hot air balloons inside the map to take you on a ride which can be beautiful, yet dangerous.
Also, players can find totems that will grant them a blessing or an item. Finally, there will be jungle food, and eating them will give players some mysterious abilities.
During the event, when you’re searching for a match in Sanhok, there are chances that you will run into Jungle Adventure mode.
5. Bluehole Mode
Bluehole Mode is a new Evoground mode that will be introduced soon after the season 13 update. In Bluehole mode, there will be two zones in Erangel, an inner and outer zone. The inner zone will represent the next safe zone, and as long as the outer zone is present, players will lose health in the inner zone.
6. P90 In Arena Mode
P90 is a new SMG gun that’ll spawn in PUBG Mobile Arena mode. It uses 9mm rounds and uses all SMG attachments like 1x-6x scopes and the Laser Sight.
7. Guncraft Finishes
Guncraft Finishes is a new customizable weapon system. It will be introduced sometime after the update and will enable players to change color, pattern, and emblem of their weapons.
8. Point Protection Against Cheaters
It happens quite often that a player loses points after being killed by a cheater. Well, the new Point Protection system is to prevent that from happening. After it’s confirmed that a cheater killed someone, the affected player will get back all the lost points.
Now, these are all the significant changes mentioned in PUBG Mobile Update 0.18.0 Patch Notes. However, there are a lot of other changes as well, starting with ‘Toy Playground’ Royale Pass for Season 13, which will be available from May 13.
There will be a brand new social area for players to interact and train with each other, which is called Cheer park. Also, there will be a new results screen UI, which is more detailed; and there’s going to be so much more.
It’s safe to say that PUBG Mobile Season 13, which will start from May 13, is going to be massive. So keep following Fossbytes more such updates!