Meet the Real-Life Pacific Rim Jaeger, the Kaiju Destroyer : KURATAS

Few days ago, I was searching for some amazing and lesser-known robots, and I stumbled upon this beast.
This Japanese robot named KURATAS instantly reminded of the movie Pacific Rim and the giant robots called Jaegers which were designed to battle the alien Kaijus.
KURATAS is the first giant boarding-robot, which has height of about four meters. With this robot, you can make your Pacific Rim fancy come true i.e. becoming a Robot pilot.
Here are the specifications of KURATAS:
Height : about 4,000 mm
Width: about 3,000 mm
Length : about 4,000 mm
Weight : about 4,500 kg
Control system : AE V-sido
KURATAS Price : $1.4 million
Know more at
See Also : Watch the Real-Life “Real Steel” Fight, Robots Clash for ROBO-ONE Tournament
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