Linux Mint Debian Edition 4 “Debbie” Beta Version Released

Following the disclosure of new LMDE 4 features, the Linux Mint team announced the release of LMDE 4 Beta version. LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) 4, codenamed as “Debbie”, is the upcoming long term support version based on the latest Debian buster Linux distro.
New Features In LMDE 4
For the uninitiated, Linux Mint develops two Linux distros based on Ubuntu and Debian. Hence, Debian based LMDE 4 includes all new features of Ubuntu-based Linux Mint 19.3 such as boot-repair, language settings, new boot menus, and system reports.
LMDE 4 uses the Ubiquity slideshow package. You can experience the updated installer slideshow with a better look and feel.

As revealed during the January news roundup, LMDE 4 now adds the new boot option with NVIDIA driver. Hence, you don’t need to install the open-source driver externally as new entry installs the NVIDIA driver on the fly.

How To Install LMDE 4?
For installing the LMDE 4, you require a minimum of 1GB RAM with 15GB of free disk space. You can download the beta ISO images for both 32 and 64 bit from here.
Since it is a beta version, it is highly recommended to use it only for testing purposes. However, if you want the stable version, you can download the LMDE 3 from here.
Note: For a live session, the username is “mint” and there is no password, you can just continue with an empty password.