Know Which Is The Most Googled Thing in Your Country

After becoming a synonym to search, Google is the source for everyone to find anything. But you ever wondered that what’s the most searched thing in your country.‘s writer made a map of the world in which you can see the most cost obsessed items.
The map includes the most Googled thing in each country, using the autocomplete formula of “How much does a **** cost in [x country].” You will find some hilarious result from this search.
Some of the major countries searched about the cost of the some common things, take a look:
USA- Cost of the Patents
Russia- To Fly a Mig
China- Electronics
India- Cow
Australia- IVF (In-vitro fertilization)
Pakistan- Wedding
Brazil- Prostitutes
Canada- Passports
Some of the funniest and weird searches are like nose plastic surgery in South Korean, selling or buying kidneys in Iran, Japanese people want watermelons or Armenians are obsessed with carpets that nobody could understand. Another search like the land cost in Antarctica is making me sad. But searches like riding a Camel or Camel cost make that go away with a smile.
But I can’t simply understand the Cow cost search in India at top because they have banned the beef still they search the cost for a cow.
What’s your country most searched things and do you search them often? Tell us in comments!
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