How To Empty Trash On Android?

If you’ve been a long-time Android user, you may know that Android lacks a trash feature similar to Recycle Bin on Windows. That said, the feature isn’t completely absent but could be found in different apps. In this article, let’s look at how to empty trash on your Android device and tidy up the storage.
Like me, if you’ve deleted important pictures or files before, chances are, they’re lying in the trash folder of Google Photos and Files, depending on the app you used to delete your pictures. Besides, there are a few third-party apps that also do the job, and we’re going to look at them in the end.
How to empty trash on Android
If you want to empty your photos trash and Google Photos is the default photos app on your device, do this.
Empty trash on Android using Google Photos

1. Open the Photos apps.
2. In the bottom tab, tap Library.
3. Go to Trash.
4. Tap Select and tap on Delete all.
5. You can go through the photos and restore them one by one.
6. Alternatively, tap the three dots and select Empty trash.
And that’s how you can empty trash on Android using Google Photos. If you want to remove trash files, the Files by Google app should be at the top of your list.
Empty trash on Android using Google Files app
Files by Google debuted in Android 8.0 Oreo, and it has come a long way since then. However, the trash section was only recently introduced, and it’s pretty helpful. Here’s how to empty trash on Android using the Files app.

1. Head over to this link and download the Files app if you don’t have it already.
2. Once installed, open it and tap the hamburger icon.
3. Go to Trash.
4. Go through the things you want to restore or delete and ensure there are no important files.
5. Tap the “All items” radio button and tap Delete. Pretty convenient, right?
Photos and Files are great apps, but what if you need an all-in-one cleaner that cleans cache and temporary files deep from within your Android phone? Well, there is one such app.
Empty trash on Android using SD Maid
While most junk cleaners market themselves as apps that can speed up your device, in reality, they do the opposite and invade your privacy in the process. However, there is one app that does what it says. Meet SD Maid.

1. Go to this link, download SD Maid, and launch it.
2. Start the scan and wait for it to detect junk files.
3. Once done, you’ll see a Run now button at the bottom.
4. The app cleaner essentially cleans the cache data stored by all apps. If you don’t want to delete that, go through the other options and clear them one by one.
5. While the app works pretty well, a lot of its essential features will be enabled when you purchase the Pro/unlocker.
We feel the Pro is worth it as it doesn’t cost a fortune. More importantly, by purchasing it, you’re supporting the developers and the tremendous amount of work that goes into making these apps that don’t compromise privacy.
Google should fix the Trash System in Android
The title says it all. Android needs a system-wide trashing system, where whatever you delete goes to a common trash app. Users wanting to clear the trash could then go to the app where all files are sorted (Images in the image tab, large files in a separate tab, etc). This would make the process of tidying an Android device a lot easier.
What are your thoughts about Android’s current trashing system? Let us know in the comments section below.