Goodluck USA, China and Russia Promise Not to Hack Each other

In a surprising development, Russia and China have signed a cyber-security deal this Friday when Xi Jinping visited Moscow this week to celebrate the World War II’s end. According to the experts, these countries have signed a treaty to agree on not to conduct cyber-attacks on each other. It should be noted that recently China accepted that it is having an army of hackers.
According to the Wall Street Journal, these new ties could become a foundation of new cyber security relations between these two countries. Russian government has posted an agreement on their website that tells that China and Russia have agreed not to conduct cyber-attacks on each other as this caused internal political and socio-economic disturbance.
China and Russia are one of the biggest rivals of USA in every field and such an announcement will definitely bring some worries to the Obama administration. Both countries agreed to exchange information related to new technologies, cyber security threats along with the information exchange between the law enforcement agencies.
After the recent sanctions against Russia due to the Ukraine crisis, Russia is forced to re-evaluate its strategy and is trying to look at the east and reduce its dependency on the west. Recently it was revealed that Russian hackers breached into the White House and read Barack Obama’s emails.
Apart from all this, Russia has advocated for better control over the internet after the Edward Snowden’s revelations. In the past, Russian president Vladimir Putin called Internet “a CIA project.”
For Russia the agreement with China to cooperate on cyber security is an important step in terms of pivoting to the East,” Oleg Demidov, a cyber-security consultant at the PIR Center, told the Wall Street Journal. “The level of cooperation between Russia and China will set a precedent for two global cyber security powers,” he adds.
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