9 Best Free Lorem Ipsum Generators For Cool Placeholder Texts

If you’ve ever had a brush with website designing or any other mock designing work, you probably know what lorem ipsum is. For those who don’t, lorem ipsum is a compilation of random text that can be used as a placeholder copy in your design mockup to gauge what the final visuals would look like.
Now, lorem ipsum tools are pretty handy but using too much of the same text can get boring. This is why there are dozens of unique, creative and funny random text generators that can be used to spice up your mockups a bit. In this article, I have compiled the best lorem ipsum generators that cover a variety of topics. So let’s check out all of them!
Fossbytes Lorem Ipsum Generator
Our lorem ipsum generator has a clean and easy to use interface with no annoying ads. Here you can generate either a specific number of lorem ipsum paragraphs, sentences, or words. This feature itself is pretty handy and you won’t find other websites commonly that let you control how much of text you generate in terms of length. With Fossbytes’ lorem ipsum generator, it’s a single click job and all you need to do is copy and paste the text into your design.
This tool works in 8 different languages — English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, French, German, Italian, and Turkish.
Lorem Ipsum Generator is a part of Fossbytes Tools. Our top 9 list of best tools continues below
S. No | Free Lorem Ipsum Generators | Generates |
1. | Lorem Ipsum | Paragraphs |
2. | Fillerama | Headers, Lists, Paragraphs |
3. | Pirate Ipsum | Sentences, Paragraphs |
4. | Placehodler | Words, Paragraphs |
5. | Trump Ipsum | Paragraphs |
6. | Web 2.0 Ipsum | Paragraphs |
7. | Heisenberg Ipsum | Paragraphs |
8. | Hipsum | Paragraphs |
9. | Office Ipsum | Paragraphs |
Top 9 Free Online Lorem Ipsum Generators
1. Lorem Ipsum – for the good ol’ Lorem Ipsum

While discussing the best lorem ipsum generators, we cannot miss out on the classic Latin passage this tool creates, because it never gets old. It creates filler text of any length just in a single click. Although there is one limitation: it lets you specify only the number of paragraphs you can generate and not the number of sentences or words like the Fossbytes’ lorem ipsum generator mentioned above.
2. Fillerama – for TV show lovers

The next best free lorem ipsum generator on the list is a bit different than the rest. Apart from the classic lorem ipsum, Fillerama can generate placeholder text from shows like Doctor Who, Futurama, Dexter, and Arrested Development. All the TV show lovers are going to love this one!
Another unique feature of Fillerama is that it lets you create passages with headers, list, and inline styles so you won’t have to scratch your head much while placing filler texts for your new website.
3. Placehodler – for crypto-related texts

We all have seen the usual lorem ipsum passage in Latin on countless websites and the websites mentioned above would be sufficient for that. This is why I thought of adding some quirky filler text generator websites too on this list. And Placehodler is pretty unique in that sense.
This free lipsum generator creates cryptocurrency-based texts if you specify the number of words or paragraphs you need. So the next time you want placeholder text for your crypto website, you know where to find it!
4. Pirate Ipsum – for pirate-themed random text

Adding on to the list of funny and quirky lorem ipsum websites, we have the Pirate Ipsum which creates pirate-themed placeholder texts for you. Its ability to create some swashbuckling text that walks the plank with brigands and bilge is what makes it one of the best free and unique lorem ipsum generators. Ahoy matey! What are ye waiting for? Get some pirate ipsum fer yer next adventure…and own the high seas, arg!
5. Trump Ipsum – for Trump fans

If you find US President Donald Trump amusing and you can’t get enough of his fake news, and legendary speeches, try this Trump lipsum generator. It has the same Trump campaign colors and a MAGA-themed button to generate some “covfefe” flavored text that you might need for your next political campaign site 😛 . Just mention the number of Trump-inspired paragraphs you need and this site will make placeholder text great again!
6. Web 2.0 Ipsum – for startup based texts

Website developers often need random text generators to churn out passages to fill in web pages, especially for software companies or startups. For that, Web 2.0 is the best online Lipsum creator you can opt for. This lorem ipsum tool will create both legit and nonsensical text with startup names and IT-related terms that can be used to fill up the white spaces.
7. Heisenberg – for Breaking Bad fans

If you are a Breaking Bad fan like me, you definitely want to check out this badass lorem ipsum text generator. The Heisenberg Ipsum can not only create text for the legendary Walter White but also other characters on the show such as Jesse Pinkman, Saul Goodman, Gus Fring, and more!
You can also set the number of paragraphs, words or characters to be generated. Unfortunately, you cannot select the number of sentences it creates and that is something you will have pick manually. But hey, it’s pretty cool anyway!
8. Hipsum – for some gangsta’ text

Now that we are discussing all the cool random text generators, Hipsum has to be on this list. This dummy text generator creates hip text for you in a single click. The website has a clean UI and you can choose to get a dose of hipster text with a shot of Latin or Hipster neat (which will churn out text without any Latin words). Just select the number of paragraphs you want and hit the ‘beer me’ button for random rap lyrics!
9. Office Ipsum – for blue collar text

Those who can’t stand a dull project, here’s the best random text generator tool for you. This blue-collar lorem ipsum lets you choose from office meeting ipsum, client feedback ipsum, or just the classic with Office Ipsum, that would hopefully bring a smile to many people’s face when you present the mockup designs.
Be Creative With The Best Lorem Ipsum Random Text Generators!
Lorem ipsum is now the industry standard for design mockups and website prototypes. But gone are the days when you just had to copy the boring old Latin lipsum. With these cool free lorem ipsum generators, you can add a unique and quirky flavor to your mockup without actually having to invest time in writing the text. Some might feel a bit hesitant or unprofessional while using the funny lipsum generators but if you have a client who enjoys humor, these online dummy text creators will surely lighten the mood at any client meeting.