This 2012 Hilarious Comic Shows Microsoft Predicted Apple’s iPad Pro Launch in 2015

Short Bytes: Back in 2012, after being criticized for Microsoft Surface Pro’s size and keyboard, former CEO Steve Ballmer said that companies will soon be launching similar tablets. A 2012 comic is being circulated on the internet that shows just the same.
In another development, a comic from 2012 has been revealed that shows that Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer predicted that Apple will be launching iPad Pro in 2105. (Note: Comic is shown in the end and it contains some NSFW language).
Apple’s iPad Pro looks like an answer to Microsoft Surface Pro tablet that was introduced about three years ago. The company came up with almost similar specs and size- and even included a similar looking compact keyboard built into the iPad Pro cover. That time, the former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer got criticized for attaching a keyboard to a tablet. Back then, Steve predicted that other companies will be launching similar tablets in the upcoming years.
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With a cartoon in 2012, Joel Watson, a cartoonist, predicted pretty much the same Steve Ballmer intended to say. He predicted that Tim Cook was already gearing up to “invent” the iPad Pro in its own way.
Take a look (NSFW language):

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