UNICEF’s Website Is Mining Cryptocurrency Using Your CPU Power — But It’s Not A Bad Thing

Cryptocurrency mining activities are mostly taken in a negative sense. The height is that people don’t want to visit the sites having even the least intentions of sucking crypto coins out of people’s machines. But the cryptocurrency mining pictures isn’t all bad.
UNICEF, the 71-year-old child welfare program run by the United Nations wants to mine cryptocurrency for the second time. They did the same earlier this year through their site Chaingers.io. It was able to collect Ethereum worth 975.58 euros from 11013 participants.
Now, they have come up with a new site called The Hope Page which mines Monero from people’s computer using Coinhive’s tool.
This is an innovative way of asking people to donate to charity without spending their real money. The Hope Page displays a button that says “Start Donating”. Once you click it, a message appears that the page wants to “use your processor for calculations” that are executed inside a sandbox in the browser. Click “Allow for this session” to donate your share of contribution.
You can choose the amount of power (between 20% and 80%) you want to give by moving the slider. Next, hit the confirm button. If you’re on a laptop or some mobile device that’s not connected to a power supply, make sure you don’t set the bar high.
As it’s the case with cryptocurrency mining, the longer you stay on the page, more coins it would be able to mine. The crypto coins collected will be turned into real funds for providing life-saving supplies like safe water, vaccines, and therapeutic food to refugee children in Bangladesh.
You can visit The Hope Page using this link.
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