Ubuntu 15.10 Codename Finally Announced: Wily Werewolf

If you are Linux enthusiast, you would be aware of the fact that a new Ubuntu release is soon followed by the announcement of the codename of next release. Earlier this week, Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth announced the codename of the Ubuntu 15.10 release and it’s ‘Wily Werewolf.’
Ubuntu codenames its versions with two words and both of these start with the same letter.
The word ‘Wily’ refers to someone who is able to adapt quickly to the environment. The other half, ‘Werewolf’ is a well known mythological creature and is a part of today’s pop-culture as a human being who transforms into a wolf on a full moon.
A couple of weeks ago, Canonical released Ubuntu 15.04 which was codenamed Vivid Vervet. Ubuntu 15.04 was launched with some new features that make it a necessary update. Visit this link to know 10 biggest and best changes in Ubuntu 15.04.
During the announcement, Canonical founder Shuttleworth had a lot more say. He said that Microsoft’s love for the convergence is a validation of Ubuntu’s approach towards the same. Instead of calling out Microsoft for ‘copying’ the Linux desktop, he said that he would prefer to rise above saying such things.
Ubuntu 15.10 is scheduled to release this October. Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf is now open for development. Within few days, the developers will start seeing the live images of Ubuntu 15.10 for testing and development. In the web release, it was said:
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