Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16

Short Bytes: If you are interesting in gaming or are gearing up to join the bandwagon of ‘Gamers’, these are pretty exciting times- thanks to hardware improvements and bigger than ever games. In this article, I am going to list out all the games that are coming out this year and the next, that you should look out for.
In the first part are the games that already have an established name. These games have thousands of fans waiting to sink their teeth into the next piece of their gaming storyline. Some of them are the final part of a trilogy, heck! some are part of the next trilogy in the series. Great characters and plot twists and more importantly their gameplay has kept the fans interested and loyal to their cause.
Let’s take a look at the list of top 10 best games of 2015-16:
- Halo 5 | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
First up is Halo 5. This game continues the story of the legendary spartan Master Chief after the events of Halo 4. Once the selling point of the Xbox system, this game has maintained a reputation to have a fantastic story and extremely enjoyable multiplayer and even now Microsoft looks forward to boost the sales of the Xbox One with the release of this title. - Rise of the Tomb Raider | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
Sequel to the Tomb Raider reboot launched 2 years back, this game will show the transformation of the brave girl we met in the last game into a fearless raider of tombs. If you have not played the first one, I suggest you go and play it right now. Then you would know how difficult it is to wait for the release of the sequel that is coming this November. - Fallout 4 | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
The Fallout series has a distinct style in their post-apocalyptic open world experience. The world is huge, even after playing for say 20 hours, you would find that you have only seen a fraction of what can be seen. And then the game adapts to your style of play. If you want to be bad and kill people, the game adapts and molds the further events to your interest. How awesome is that? - Dark Souls III | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
Dark souls is famous for its extremely gruelling boss fights and the dark mood that the world is set in. The third iteration seems to have bumped up everything from the formula. I am pretty sure its going to be a big hit and should be on your must-play list if you like such games. - Gears of War 4 | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
Another third person shooter on the list. Gears 4 is geared up to make everyone fight for saving humanity from the locust horde on the planet of Sera. One of the best selling titles on the Xbox platform, Gears of War’s return will incite fans to upgrade to the newest platform and from the visuals that we have seen in previous games, it would be totally worth it. - The Last Guardian | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
PC gamers won’t know about this one at all. The closing chapter in the trilogy of Ico and Shadow of the Collosus, The Last Guardian is a beautiful PlayStation exclusive Japanese title. Beautiful painting-like graphics and the giants to fight with, make this a unique action-adventure game and has garnered it many many fans. - Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
The Uncharted series is for PlayStation what Halo is to Xbox. The most popular platform exclusive game, Uncharted is a third person shooter adventure game where you explore uncharted lands as Nathan Drake the series protagonist. The trailers make this part look like the end to Nathan’s journey so it should not be missed at any cost. - Call of Duty: Black Ops III | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
The heavily criticized yet highly popular franchise of Call of Duty is back with another Black Ops game. Since the original Modern Warfare, Call of Duties have become games of huge set pieces but Black Ops brings a new flavour with its different style of story telling. The new one won’t disappoint I’m sure. - Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
Since the original Assassins Creed, AC is firmly on top of the stealth assassin genre. And, they are not afraid to experiment. AC: Black Flag was a fantastic game and this time around its set within London during the Industrial revolution; the game is bringing something relatively modern to the table. - Mass Effect: Andromeda | Top 10 Best Games to Look Out for in 2015-16:
The Mass Effect series is widely regarded as the best action sci-fi game of our generation. The visuals and character development was fantastic in the previous trilogy. Andromeda is based in our neighbour galaxy (no points for guessing!) Andromeda is a completely new game with no ties with its predecessors. But, I am sure as hell it would be a great game.
Did you like our list of the top 10 best games to look out for in 2015-16? Tell us in comments below. Share your favorites in comments below.
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