Microsoft’s Website to Fight Government Surveillance Just Got Hacked

Microsoft’s dedicated website to fight the US government surveillance and privacy breachings has just been hacked. While Microsoft is aiming to bring improved security features to the users in Windows 10, it looks like the company forgot to secure its own systems.
The Digital Constitution website of Microsoft appears to be running on an older version of WordPress and was displaying casino-related webpages. It is running WordPress 4.0.5 version while the latest WordPress version is 4.2.2.
Earlier in the day, the website displayed weird content in the top bar that looked like an online casino advertisement. Similar unusual content was spread all over the other parts of website. ZDNet writes that the website was modified at about 9:15 ET on Wednesday. It’s not clear which group or individual is responsible for the attack as nobody has come forward to take responsibility.
Within an hour of the hacking attack, the mischievous content has been removed while some of the pages remain defaced.
ZDNet has reached out to Microsoft but they didn’t hear back from the tech giant. We’ll keep you updated on the story.
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