Tinder Owner Accuses Google Is Holding It Hostage; Google Hits Back

Match Group doesn’t see eye to eye with Google’s Play Store billing policies anymore. The group accused Google of monopolizing the app market and filed an official complaint on Monday. Match Group’s complaint accuses Google of illegally monopolizing the Android app market and high commissions on each transaction.
Meanwhile, Google also didn’t hold back against the allegations. It published an elaborate blog post highlighting the faults and unfair practices of Match Group.
Why is the Match Group angry?
Google levies commissions on every transaction made on the Play Store. The commissions have a maximum limit of 15% per transaction. Meanwhile, it also enforces a policy that all transactions, even the in-app ones, need to happen via the Google Play Store. Match Group finds it unfair and monopolistic.
According to Protocol, the complaint statement by the Tinder owner states, “Ten years ago, Match Group was Google’s partner. We are now its hostage. Blinded by the possibility of getting an ever-greater cut of the billions of dollars users to spend each year on Android apps, Google set out to monopolize the market for how users pay for their Android apps.”

Match Group finds it unsettling to charge commissions on in-app transactions. They hurt the app revenue because they have to pay commissions to the Play Store on every transaction.
Google’s Stance
Google lambasted Match Group allegations in a blog post. The brand cleared out all the misconceptions regarding the claims. Google said that the Play Store provided a platform for app developers to conduct safe transactions and thrive in the market.
Moreover, the Play Store charges the lowest commissions in the market which was an indirect blow to Apple App Store’s hefty commissions. Google said that regulators are actively investigating Match Group’s safety problems.
The Tinder and OkCupid owner wants to enforce its payment system which could give rise to subscription fraud. Moreover, it is trying to strong-arm Google to gain entry into the User Choice Billing program. Spotify is the only app that is a part of the program.
Status Quo
Google is trying a User Choice Billing system for South Korea. Match Group wants its apps (OKCupid and Tinder) on the program. But Google doesn’t want to add the company’s apps to the program currently. Moreover, the complaints and allegations may further hurt the chances of that happening in the near future.