KDE Plasma 5.14 Released: What’s New In The Popular Linux Desktop

Plasma is one of the most popular Linux desktop environments around; it’s loved by new open source enthusiasts and veterans alike. To bring a fresh and updated experience to the users, the KDE Project keeps bringing newer versions of the Plasma desktop from time to time.
The latest Plasma release 5.14.0 has just been pushed and it brings obvious bug fixes and new features. So, let’s tell you about them in brief.
For Plasma 5.14, the developers have worked a lot to improve Discover — Plasma’s software manager and add-on installer. With the new fwupd support, you can now use it to update your PC’s firmware.
The other features of Discover include the support for Snap channels, sorting of apps by release date, better stability, etc.
Plasma 5.14 also brings improvements and new effects to the KWin window manager. As a result, you can find the animations smoother and better.
You can visit this link to find the complete list of Plasma 5.14 features.
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