Google’s Search Share Below 75% in U.S, Lowest in 5 Years Due to Yahoo-on-Firefox

With its partnership with Mozilla Firefox, Yahoo is putting Google in trouble. A report by Stat Counter shows that in the last month, Google’s search share in the USA has fallen below from its mark of 75% share. As we already know that Google is at the top position since a long time ago, it is also interesting to note that from the last five-year, its search volume has never fallen below from 75%. From this December onwards, Mozilla Firefox has started using Yahoo as its default search engine in United States. The Mozilla Foundation is known for its long-time partnership with Google search.
Here are the stats of search shares of different search engines:

The following image shows that in the month of November and December, the search share of Google was above 75%, followed by Bing (the second most largest search engine) and Yahoo. But in the month of January, there is a little fall to 74.8% in the search share. Also, there is a little hike in the Yahoo search share in the month.
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According to StatCounter, Mozilla Firefox users generated 14% of total internet usage. “When we removed Firefox usage from the US search data, Yahoo’s gains and Google’s losses were erased,” said Aodhan Cullen. Yahoo-on-Firefox usage in the US increased by 9.9% to 28.3% from November to January. Meanwhile in the same period, Google-on-Firefox usage in the US fell from 81.9% to 63.9%.
These figures seem like drop in the ocean, but it may cause a big problem for Google in the future. Although Google launched a campaign last month to show users that how to switch their search engine to Google again, but it is not proving very effective for them.
Is it a development worth Google’s concern? Tell us in comments below!
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