Personal Phone Numbers And Emails Of Game Of Thrones Stars Leaked

Earlier today, we reported the second leak after the last week’s HBO hack that affected Game Of Thrones Season 7 and other TV shows. During the first leak, hackers claimed that they’ll be soon leaking more information and unreleased episodes. It was followed by Game of Thrones S07E04 leak which was allegedly related to Star India Pvt. Ltd.
In the second leak, the hackers sent an email message to The Hollywood Reporter with nine files with labels like “GOT7 Script” and “Confidential.” It also had other data on “castings, script summaries, and marketing materials.” The sender of the email, who goes under the alias ‘Mr. Smith’, also made multi-million dollar ransom demand.
Now, according to The Guardian, the same leak also contains the confidential private contact information of several Game of Thrones actors. The reports indicate that the leaked documents contain personal phone numbers and email addresses for Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Emilia Clark, and others.
The HBO executives have said that the forensic review and investigation is going on with the help of law enforcement agencies and cyber security firms.
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