Use This App To Install Dynamic Island On Any Android Phone

Apple’s “ingenious” inventions of this year include Dynamic Island. The feature cleverly masks the notch area around a notification widget in many apps. Users can interact with the app using Dynamic Island without opening it. It is extremely useful as you don’t need to drag down the notifications screen as you do on Android.
But Apple isn’t giving Dynamic Island to every iPhone user. Currently, it is reserved for owners of the new iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max, both of which cost $1000 USD and above. But Android users can also use the Dynamic Island-like feature on their phones now. Sadly, that choice isn’t there for old iPhone users.
DynamicSpot: Use Dynamic Island on Android
The moment Apple announced Dynamic Island for new iPhones, Android developers began working on apps that could offer the same feature across multiple Android versions. DynamicSpot is one of the many such apps which try to mimic Apple’s Dynamic Island both look-wise and utility-wise. Of course, some features will be for paid users only.
The app adds a small popup that completely canvasses the notch on the display. You will forget that the notch is still there. But there is an issue – the app only works well with Android phones that have a notch in the center. If you have a phone with a hole punch on the left side, the popup won’t hide it.
It is possible to adjust the X and Y axis of the popup to fix it on the left side but that looks ugly. Moreover, all the contents of the popup widget will have to move to the right when you tap on it.

DynamicSpot needs accessibility and notification access permissions to work properly. It is a measly 3 MB download that will let you use Dynamic Island on your phone. Remember that these are third-party apps and they may not work as well as it looks on iPhone 14 Pro.
Dynamic Island is natively supported on iOS, which makes it perform better. Some features are available to paid users only in DynamicSpot, but we recommend you try the free version only. OEM manufacturers will soon copy this feature and add it to future Android skins.
Moreover, DynamicSpot is still in the early access stage, so expect some glitches and crashes. But we’re impressed at Android’s speed in catching up with this iOS feature. Just a couple of days ago, a Xiaomi developer designed dynamic island-like features in a theme, and now we have a full-blown app.
Do you think Android phone makers will eventually roll out official updates to give notifications around the notch? Let us know in the comments.