Avira Antivirus Creates Super Secure Web Browser

Most of the users are aware of the threats and risks that their computers are at while surfing the web. Antiviruses are the must installed software if you want to stay safe on the colossal world of internet. But the question arises, to what extent? You can install the best software, and still can’t be sure that your PC is completely protected.
A solution: Why not make your web browser secure?
Avira, one of the biggest names in Antivirus solutions business has come up with a web browser that would enable safe browsing by integrating their back-end databases with the browser. Avira has revealed their efforts to go beyond the existing add-ons to make the system more secure. Avira web browser would be similar in looks with already in-use browsers as it is based on the Google’s Chromium Code, probably with some alterations though.
Avira claims to have created, through the open source extensions and the Chromium code, a web browser backed by their pre-existing knowledge of the dangerous places on the internet. The antivirus developers Avira also praised the efforts by other browser developers companies like Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft, for putting the resources to make their respective web browsers secure.
The beta version of the browser is already up for user testing. Just go to “Avira Beta Center” and apply for ‘Avira Browser Beta’. The browser runs good on Ubuntu, Mac, and Windows PC alike.
How much secure this claimed browser is, will only be decided by the users. Amidst all the security concerns and people spending so much money to keep their computers protected, Avira Web Browser is worth a try.
Well, it is up to you now which browser do you choose. Tell us in comments below.
Also Read:Top 10 Best Free Antivirus Software Of 2015
Source: Avira