Apple’s Craig Federighi At Web Summit Says DMA Will Open A “Pandora’s Box Of Malware”

Craig Federighi, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, gave a hearty speech at the Web Summit 2021. His nearly 15-minute speech centered around Europe’s latest Digital markets Act (DMA) and how it will affect security on your iPhone.
Federighi said Apple has managed to build a system with “privacy and security” at its very foundation. He added that Apple has managed to “stay one step ahead of the bad guys.” Addressing the DMA, Federighi said that if the new act is implemented, “the floodgates are open for malware.”
At this moment, Federighi also showed a pie chart showing how platforms worldwide are infected with malware. While Android and Windows took the lion’s share of malware, Apple’s iOS is barely there on the chart. Apple thinks that with the freedom to sideload, users will compromise the ironclad security and safety of the App Store.
iPhones Are Not For Everyone
That’s one way of putting Craig Federighi’s speech to a summary. He asked the audience to raise their hand if they were using an iPhone. He said that 1 in 5 users in Europe is on an iPhone, which is okay with Apple. Federighi says, “Our goal has never been to sell the most; instead, our mission is to provide people with a choice of what we view as the best.”
Craig Federighis’s Web Summit 2021 speech pretty much falls in line with Apple’s recent research on the problems of sideloading. Google’s Android is iOS’ biggest competitor when it comes to smartphone operating systems. While Android allows sideloading, it is also far less secure and private. However, with Android 12, Google has improved a lot, and the Android vs iOS comparison is closer than ever.
Apple’s senior VP also altogether avoided the topic of in-app purchases on the App Store. While Apple’s control over apps provides a refined experience, it also means Apple is the gatekeeper for anything you want to purchase on the iPhone. The DMA defines Apple’s position as a “gatekeeper” who decides which apps remain in the ecosystem.
After the recent Epic vs. Apple verdict, the company has implemented some changes to the in-app purchase system on the App Store. Now, developers can let people know about third-party payment systems to collect subscriptions outside the App Store. This means Apple gets no commission on such sales, which could mean relatively lower prices.
Federighi’s Web Summit speech ended on an emotional note as he talked about malware on phones. He said that children and elderly users might be more susceptible to downloading malware, which could be a problem.
What do you think about sideloading apps on the phone? Should Apple let people do it or keep the current system? Let us know in the comments.