Your Brain Is 30 Times Faster Than The Best Supercomputers

Short Bytes: According to the estimates by the Artificial Intelligence project funded by Elon Musk, human brains are 30 times more powerful than the world’s best supercomputers. The project is started by two PhD scholars and they have compared the results of the human brain with the IBM supercomputing beast Sequoia.
Humans have the mind power unparalleled to anyone in the universe, provided we are able to unleash its full power as advocated by most scientists. And now, we have the proof.
An Artificial Intelligence project by two PhD students from the University of California, Berkeley, and Carneige Mellon University will be the first of its kind to compare the human brain with the world’s best supercomputers. Elon Musk, whose subsidiary company Tesla’s electric sedan Model P85D recorded insane 103 out of 100 by the Consumer Reports and who is considered as a pioneer in technology entrepreneurship, has funded two for an Artificial Intelligence project.
The AI Impacts project aims to determine how fast the human brain sends signals in its internal network compared to a supercomputer. This is completely different than comparing the calculative prowess of the human brain and a computer.
TEPS or Traversed Edges Per Second is the way to do that. TEPS benchmark requires the supercomputer to simulate a graph and search through it, while for the human brain, they mapped the frequency of electrical signals fired by the neurons.
The scholars compared the power of human brain with IBM’s monster Sequoia supercomputer, that holds the third position in the world’s top 5 powerful supercomputer list. IBM Sequoia supercomputer has a TEPS benchmark record with 2.3 x 1013 TEPS.
The estimates through the AI Impacts are that the human brain should be at least as powerful as Sequoia in the lower limits and for the upper estimates, human brain could surpass the IBM Sequoia speed by 30 times at 6.4 x 1014 TEPS.
Now that means a regular human brain has a worth of about $4,700 to $170,000 per hour in terms of its performance while comparing with the current computer prices for TEPS.
So, what do you think? With the enormous potential untapped in our brains, we still be under control of machines?
Via: AI Impacts
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