Xfce’s Parole Media Player 4.15.0 Released With Improved DVD Support

After successfully releasing the latest stable Xfce 4.16 desktop, Xfce core developer and Xubuntu Tech Lead Sean Davis has announced a new version 4.15.0 of Xfce’s default media player named Parole.
The latest Parole 4.15.0 has arrived after a year of development with refreshed dialogs, more robust playlist support, and improved DVD support.
For those who don’t know, Parole is a free, open source, and GStreamer-based media player specially designed for the Xfce desktop.
Though it’s a default video player of Xubuntu Linux distribution, you can install and run it on other Linux and Unix-like operating systems as well.
What’s New In Parole 4.15.0?
Speaking of new changes, version 4.15.0 now has an in-window popover to display the playlist instead of the earlier slide-out panel. This also lets you keep the playlist on the screen at all times to use playlist functionality even when Parole is full screen.
Additionally, you have a faster and more stable shuffle functionality. With v4.15.0, if you enable the shuffle, it now applies sorting filter instead of randomly switching to a new item.
Subsequently, it prevents the track-repeat and improves the playback history as you can go to the previous item in the playlist by just clicking on the “back” button.
Furthermore, Parole 4.15.0 has improved DVD support as it now loads the root DVD menu if playback doesn’t automatically start soon after loading this disc.
Among the dialog UI changes which were already ported to CSD (Client-side decoration) to align with Xfce 4.16 transition, each dialog has now received individual improvements.
For instance, the keyboard shortcut window opens in the centre of the screen instead of the bottom-right, the vertical orientation of the timestamp inputs in Go to Position window, and the removal of duplicate text in Open Location dialog.
Here are the other general updates that Parole Media Player 4.15.0 includes:
- Language translation
- A new icon and icon name “org.xfce.parole”
- Show player controls while the volume popover is open
- Choosing an option (Continue or Stop) on “Stream is taking too much time to load” dialog now dismisses the dialog.
How To Get Parole 4.15.0?
Whether you’re using Xubuntu or any other distros, you can directly install it by downloading either source code repository or source tarballs of Parole 4.15.0 and running the following commands:
For source code repository:
$ cd parole
$ ./autogen.sh
$ make
$ make install
For release tarball:
$ tar xf parole-4.15.0.tar.bz2
$ cd parole-4.15.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install