Trump Team Knocks Google, Facebook’s Door Over Internet Privacy Laws

The lack of any federal law to analyze how companies like Facebook and Google collect data and monetize it has started itching America. According to a report by The Washington Post, Trump administration is holding talks with leading Silicon Valley companies including Google and Facebook to establish a set of laws to prevent data leaks and to safeguard web users.
As per the four people who are closely involved, the Commerce Department wants to chart legalities as to how these companies collect and handle users’ data. The meetings have been held to bring to fruition America’s first “wide-ranging online privacy law”.
Lindsay Walters, Trump’s deputy press secretary said, “Through the White House National Economic Council, the Trump Administration aims to craft a consumer privacy protection policy that is the appropriate balance between privacy and prosperity.” He also added, “We look forward to working with Congress on a legislative solution consistent with our overarching policy.”
It would be a tough road ahead as there could be disagreements between Democrats and Republicans over the government’s involvement in the issue. Moreover, Google and Facebook have also impeded the previous attempts with their reputation in the industry.
However, things are different this time. Firstly, California has already adopted the Consumer Privacy Act which requires companies to disclose how they obtain data and also gives rights to users to refuse tech giants from sharing their data with third-party vendors. Secondly, the new set of rules rolled out by the European Union may have been an inspiration.
In the wake of the recent data leaks including the infamous Cambridge Analytica Scandal, the law would set things in motion and would change the way in which companies look at the word ‘Privacy.’
As per the report, the government officials have held more than 22 meetings with over 80 companies, consumer groups and trade associations to discuss the possibilities and how the things would proceed.
Dean Garfield who represents tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Google and also presides over the Information Technology Industry Council has hinted support to the law. He said,”If [the Trump administration] did their version of the privacy bill of rights, and did the necessary legwork to make sure there was a constituency to support it, I think it would be a meaningful step forward … motivating Congress to act.”
It remains to be seen whether the law would come to action or not and even if it comes into the force, what would be its impact on people’s lives.
What restrictions do you think the law should impose on companies dealing with personal data?
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