This is How Google’s Self-driving Car Works

Short Bytes: Google’s self-driving cars are being tested at various locations in the US and recently we got see how does it look inside the car. Google has recently released some interesting information about its self-driving car and how it works. A new patent from Google shows how company’s self-driving cars will take back the control from you.
The design is pretty simple. It shows the arm of the steering column that could be used to engage the self-driving mode in the car. Now, the car will check if it’s possible to take the control from the driver. For example, if the car couldn’t get a GPS lock, it will show “Not Available”. If everything seems fine, the driver will see a “Ready” signal that will tell you to hand over the control to the Google’s self-driving car.
You don’t have to worry about things going out of your hand as you can take back the control of the car if something goes wrong and car’s AI is unable to detect a potential obstacle. There would be touch sensors on the car steering wheel that will give the control back to you.
The Google’s self-driving car patent documents reads: “If the passenger identifies an emergency situation, the passenger may take control of the vehicle immediately. For example, passenger may see an obstacle which computer has not identified, such as a bicyclist or road construction.”
According to Google, this will make the user more confident as he/she could take control of the vehicle instantaneously. It says: “The impact of passenger’s hand or hands on steering wheel may be received by the various touch sensitive input apparatuses of steering wheel. Computer may receive this information, determine that the passenger would like to take control, and return to ready mode.”
Google’s self-driving car gives an interesting insight into how Google’s self-driving car will work in the near future. The fleet of cars are already under testing in Austin and Texas, and we’ll be following the developments being made closely. Stay tuned to fossBytes for more information.
Are self-driving cars going to be the future of transportation? Tell us in the comments below.
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