Facebook, Netflix, And Google Fined For Storing User Data Without Consent
Another fine for big Silicon Valley companies. But does it solve the fundamental problem?
Get the breaking news, tips and tricks, and helpful guides related to world’s most popular search engine, i.e., Google.
Another fine for big Silicon Valley companies. But does it solve the fundamental problem?
The Pixel launcher lacks a lot of important features.
A Twitter leak has revealed some important specs of the JioPhone Next.
The wallpapers match the Android 12 aesthetic.
The American billionaire has been away for a year. Nobody knows what he is up to.
“Delete my history after I die” jokes are old now.
Is peace still an option?
You can add photos, themes, and more to the upcoming iOS widgets by Google.
It’ll make Chrome the only major browser still supporting third-party cookies.
The Pixel 6 series is turning out to be an interesting lineup!