NuTyX 12-rc1 Linux Distro Released, Finally Drops 32-Bit Version Support

After the current stable NuTyX 11.6, its founder Tnut is now preparing for the next major version, NuTyX 12. Amid, Tnut has announced a first testing version, NuTyX 12-rc1.
As Tnut quotes, version 12 is a completely new 64-bit project, and no 32-bit version will be available for NuTyX 12. Let’s see what’s coming in for the new NuTyX 12 Linux distribution:
NuTyX 12-rc1: What’s New?
Starting with the core updates, the base NuTyX now comes with the Long-Term Support (LTS) kernel 4.19.151 and the latest stable kernel 5.9.8.
Another major development is in the init system, where NuTyX team has developed a new home-baked official init system called RuNyX. It’s a fork of the runit init project, which you can install in a new version using the command:
sudo cards install runyx
With the new init system, you’ll also now have a wider choice of init system at boot time on the GRUB menu as NuTyX ships with three init systems: SysV, SystemD, and RuNyX. However, the main base init will always be SysV.
In addition, NuTyX will also use its own directory schema to make it consistent with other available init systems. Furthermore, Eudev device manager is now the eudev part of systemd project and works well on all three inits without problems.
As Systemd comes with several modules by default, the currently available testing version has disabled some main modules such as:
- timed (ntp)
- networkd (dhcpcd, networkmanager)
- resolve (dhcpcd, networkmanager)
- SysV compat (sysVinit)
If you want to test the first release candidate, download the rolling ISO image with KDE Plasma, MATE, or Xfce desktop available here.
Or, if you’re already using NuTyX, you can upgrade your system to the testing version by first adding version testing
line in /etc/cards.conf file and running the command:
sudo cards upgrade
You may also need to remove dhcpcd if you are running networkmanager to make systemd and runyx init system working properly.
sudo cards remove -a dhcpcd