Top 10 Most Used Open Source Software: Linux Foundation Report

Top 10 Most Used Open Source Software Linux Foundation Report

Accounting for 80-90 percent of all software, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) ecosystem is booming with high dependency usage by all sector companies.

Accordingly, The Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) in collaboration with Harvard’s Lab for Innovation Science has released a census report titled “Vulnerabilities in the Core, a Preliminary Report and Census II of Open Source Software.”

Concluding the survey, the latest census report focusses on the health and security of foss usage. The result is based on data provided by partner Software Composition Analysis (SCA) companies and other application security companies.

Also, a recent report published by Red Hat reveals how enterprise users are relying more on the open source software rather than proprietary software. About 52% of respondents mentioned security tools as the most used open-source tools by enterprises.

Now, let’s take a look at the list of most used open source packages.

10 Most Popular Open Source Software In Enterprise

The given list is the takeaways from the census II report and present in alphabetical order.

1. async

For processing the multiple requests at the same time, async is a widely used tool in the backend development for handling asynchronous calls.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install async

GitHub Repo status:

async github repo status

2. inherits

For deriving the functionality of a class, inherits is used for performing inheritance mechanisms mostly in node.js.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install inherits

GitHub Repo status:

inherits github repo status

3. isarray

isarray is an excellent npm package that helps to provide better handling of the arrays on the older browser and deprecated Node.js versions.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install isarray

GitHub Repo status:

isarray github repo status

4. kind-of

kind-of is a fast and better type-checking module that helps to determine the data type of native javascript value.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install kind-of

GitHub Repo status:

kind-of github repo status

5. lodash

lodash is a utility program that simplifies the work with arrays, numbers, objects, and strings.

You can install the package using npm or you can also download the library to use it in the browser.

npm install lodash

For browser:

<script src="lodash.js"></script>

GitHub Repo status:

lodash github repo status

6. minimist

minimist provides an easy parsing method to handle the arguments.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install minimist

GitHub Repo status:

minimist github repo status

7. natives

natives are used for performing creative action with native Javascript codes. However, the natives module has been deprecated.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install natives

GitHub Repo status:

natives github repo status

8. qs

qs stands query string. qs helps to parse the string query using the nested objects.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install qs

GitHub Repo status:

qs github repo status

9. readable-stream

readable-stream is the core library of Node.js that helps to work with streaming data.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install readable-stream

GitHub Repo status:

readable-stream github repo status

10. string_decoder

string_decoder is also the core module of Node.js that mainly focuses on decoding buffer objects into strings while maintaining encoded multi-byte UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters.

You can install the package using npm.

npm install string_decoder

GitHub Repo status:

string_decoder github repo status

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