Microsoft Developing A Windows 10 “Game Mode” For Maximum Gaming Performance

Short Bytes: Twitter user WalkingCat has spotted a Game Mode in Windows 10 Build 14997. As the name suggests, Windows 10 Game Mode is expected to make PC gaming smoother by minimizing the resources that other applications use. The Windows 10 Game Mode is expected to ship with the Creator’s Update that’s arriving early next year.
Earlier this week, we told you about the leaked Windows 10 Build 14997. It showed improvements coming in the Themes section, Settings app, Edge Browser, etc. It was also revealed that the company is working on adding the blue light filter feature.The Twitter user WalkingCat has spotted another big feature named Windows 10 Game Mode that’s aimed at improving the PC gaming performance.
Just like other features that remain under development, at the moment, this feature isn’t working. But, in the upcoming builds, it’s expected to roll out to the Windows 10 Insider members.
WalkingCat mentioned the finding of a new gamemode.dll in Build 14997.
This feature will, supposedly, let your PCs act like gaming consoles and let you use the machine just for gaming. It’ll be done by adjusting the Windows resource allocation logic (for CPU/Gfx etc.).
This possible feature shows that Microsoft is really serious about gaming on Windows 10 PCs. It’s likely that Windows 10 Game Mode feature will be included in the Windows 10 Creator’s Update.
So, is the gamer inside you excited? Don’t forget to tell us your views regarding Windows 10 Game Mode.
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