You’ll Have To Wait 10 More Weeks For Your Mac Studio To Deliver

Apple launched the new Mac Studio nearly six months back. Surprisingly, the product registered a huge demand despite being on the most expensive side of Mac products. But the issue is its availability. With the current supply chain restrictions, if you order a Mac Studio with M1 Max or M1 Ultra chip, it may take anywhere from 3-10 weeks to deliver.
Surely, that is a super-long time to wait for an Apple product. Buyers who opt for a new Mac Studio usually plan to upgrade to one of the most impressive workstations that the industry can offer. But the unexplained delay is ruining their expectations and forcing the buyers to wait for 1-3 months for the Mac studio.
Mac Studio isn’t the only Product Facing Shipping Delays
The 14-inch MacBook Pro and 16-inch MacBook Pro now show delayed shipping on the Apple Store. The base variants do not show any signs of delay, but the customized versions won’t be shipped as early as you think. The 3-10 weeks delay is unbearable.

One more angle is the high demand for the Mac studio, which Apple might not have expected. The baseline Mac Studio with the M1 Max chip shows the shipping time frame of 1-3 weeks which is bearable. But if you want a heavily customized M1 Ultra chip, you will have to wait at least seven weeks. If you want to go for the 64-core GPU option, the time frame will extend up to 10 weeks for the product to ship.
Mac Studio is only available with M1 Max and M1 Ultra processors. The former starts at $2000 while the latter retail options begin from $4000. If you customize it to the brim, it can cost almost $9000. All of this is without any display or accessories. Mac Studio is surely enticing creators, which is why it is in such huge demand. There is no statement from Apple regarding the shipping delays of Macs, but it should be addressed soon.