Google Stadia Users Could Exceed Broadband Data Caps On The First Day

If you are waiting to get your hands on Google Stadia releasing next month, here is something you should know.
A new survey suggests that an estimated six million gamers out of the 34 million daily gamers in the US will likely exceed their broadband data caps after using the highly anticipated cloud gaming service.
BroadbandNow, a website that helps consumers find and compare Internet service providers, took responses from over 943 participants and realized that gamers would blow even the highest data caps of 1 TB.
And according to a report in 2016, the average data in the country is not more than 190 GB. Interestingly, the survey concluded that over 21% of respondents didn’t have any knowledge that their ISP featured a monthly broadband data cap.
It is estimated that Google Statia will use up to 15.75 GB of data per hour when used with the highest settings, i.e., streaming at 4K resolution. As a result, one could exhaust the average data caps in merely one day.
Recently, Google Stadia’s VP of Engineering Madj Bakar said in an interview that Stadia will feature something called “Negative Latency” for people to tackle the high Internet speed requirements.
In simple terms, negative latency will offer a lag-free experience through predicting the user’s movement and pre-rendering the frames accordingly. However, some feel that it might put a toll on bandwidth data.
Google has been quite optimistic about Stadia. However, users have serious concerns over the bandwidth that they might have to sacrifice.
The argument gains even more weight in third-world countries such as India, where the majority of Internet users already have a pretty low data cap.
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