Chrome’s “Heavy Page Capping” Feature Will Alert You About Data-heavy Pages

Google is continuously upgrading its Chrome web browser to refine the user experience. This time, Google has added a new feature named “Heavy Page Capping” in the Canary build channel that will notify users when a webpage is using excessive bandwidth.
This new feature spotted by Chromestory is not activated by default. When turned on manually, users will be notified of data-heavy webpages in the form of a notification in the info-bar. An option will also be given to pause loading the page.
Heavy Data Capping feature will be available on all the platforms including Mac, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, and Android. However, the feature will work only on those webpages that allow “pause sub-resource request”.
Also, users can set the triggering threshold at which the notification will pop. You can choose from two options- Standard and Low. Standard will give you the notification when the bandwidth usage is high and the latter option will set the triggering threshold to 1MB.
It will be a useful feature for all those who are on a limited data plan. However, this is still in the development stage and it would interesting to see whether the feature would be able to make it to the stable version or not.
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