GitHub Announces New Version of ‘Actions’ With CI/CD Support

GitHub has announced a new version of GitHub Actions with the much-requested CI/CD support for third-party continuous integration and continuous deployment tools.
With the newly added capabilities, GitHub Actions now makes it easier for developers to automate building, testing, and deploying projects on any platform, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.
The Microsoft-owned code repository platform launched GitHub Actions last year. This workflow automation platform allowed developers to trigger all kinds of events and use it to build custom CI/CD pipelines.
However, the need for using Actions for CI/CD remained constant among programmers. Addressing this requirement, GitHub CEO Nat Friedman wrote, “we’ve heard clear feedback from almost everyone: you want CI/CD! And that’s what we’re announcing today.”
GitHub Actions now lets developers run workflows in containers or virtual machines and test multiple versions of their applications simultaneously — through a new feature called “matrix builds.”
Matrix builds, for instance, lets you test three different versions of Node.js on Linux, Windows, and macOS at the same time. Since GitHub Actions are defined in a basic YAML file, introducing changes becomes easy, and you’d just have to add a few lines to the file.
GitHub Actions now supports more languages and frameworks than ever. The list includes Node.js, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, C/C++, .NET, Android, and iOS. It is to be noted that Actions is also integrated with the GitHub Package Registry.
Additional features of updated GitHub Actions are:
- Live logs to provide real-time feedback as a build runs
- Automating entire workflows with GitHub Package Registry
- Writing and reusing actions and workflows like code
- Simple pay-as-you-go pricing
GitHub Actions is currently available in beta version, and you can sign up here to check out the new features.
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